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Kerry Bower Equine Massage

Treating the equine Athlete 



UK Rural Skills certified practitioner of Equine sports and Rehabilitation Massage

HNC qualified in Equine Psychology and Sport Science

Providing full body and targeted massages to improve equine performance and healing horses in rehab. 

Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leictershire


Massage Blog

My Blog, I'll be adding new articles and information here so come back for updates

Benefits of Massage

Just like us all horses will get aches and pains from time to time even when they are not in heavy work. Sports massage is a great tool to aid in recovery, relief and relaxation for all horses.

  • Increased blood and lymph flow- to remove toxins and deliver nutrients efficiently around the body.

  • Aids healing- by breaking up adhesions and scar tissue over time and releasing tension throughout the body.

  • Relaxation in mind and body- as the motion of massage reduces tension it reduces stress for the horse and allows a great bond to form.

  • Increased range of motion and muscular strength- through Increased healing and reduced tension.

  • Improved coat- increased blood circulation and lymph drainage makes for a strong glossy coat.

Massage is great for all horses, whether it be for rehabilitation of an injured horse relaxation for our companions or to boost the performance of a competitive athlete.

Equine Lymphatic system

The equine lymphatic system is a key component for every horses perfromance.


  • Made up of vessels and nodes all over the body.

  • Found both superficially and deep within the body.

  • Part of the immune system, protecting from disease and infection.

  • Removes toxins, dead cells, bacteria lactic acid and proteins out of organ tissue ready for disposal.

  • The vessels that transport the fluid round the body are one way and are made mostly of elastic tissue.

  • Relys on the horses movement to maintain a good flow

  • The lymph nodes filter the liquid and contain white blood cells to fight infection.

  • Works along side the cardio vascular system to keep fluid balance and deliver oxygen and nutrients.

  • When compromised we increase recovery time and risk infection.

  • Massage Therapy can be used to manually drain the system and compression bandages may be used to prevent build up when stabled

About Me

I have loaned and owned horses from the age of 16. Retraining my first horse from a feral psychological mess to a kind well mannered pleasure horse and backing my second horse by myself. Studying Equine psychology and Sport Science at NTU at HNC level I then took a break from study to work and find a career where I felt I could really make a difference. I adore horses and have a great passion in helping them to thrive in mind and body so I knew what I needed to do. This is when I discovered Wolds Equine Rehabilitation and Training. I studied with them over 18months to qualify as a Professional Equine sports and Rehabilitation massage therapist. Since then I have had a beautiful baby girl and we now travel round together treating horses around the east midlands.

Carrot Stretches

A great way to keep muscles supple, improve range of motion and strength. Try these out with your horse after exercise. Dont push your horse too far too soon and remember, your horse will likely stretch easier on one side than the other. Keep practicing and you'll be surprised how much flexibility your horse will build up from this simple activity.


These active stretches eliminate excessive force as the horses stretches to its own comfortable level. By using antagonistic pairs as one muscle flexes the other stretches.



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